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"만약 오스 데비안 유저시라면 꼭 어드민에게 말해주세요! If you were a 'osu! Debian user', please tell admin!!"

Welcome to Redstar!

You look new here. Allow us to introduce you to what Redstar! is.

Redstar! is a osu! private server, featuring multiplayer, PP, a very active community and a development team going strong implementing new features and squashing bugs. You can check out even more features here. It has also a very friendly community, and it's open source! Just so you know, we currently have 1 users online and 738 registered users!

What are you waiting for? Join Redstar!! It's risk-free: you won't get your account banned on the official server if you play on Redstar!
You can also switch anytime between the official osu! server and Redstar!!