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"만약 오스 데비안 유저시라면 꼭 어드민에게 말해주세요! If you were a 'osu! Debian user', please tell admin!!"

How to connect to Redstar (Legacy method)

title: “How to connect to Redstar (Legacy method)” — - Register an account - Download the Redstar server switcher - Extract the archive somewhere (eg: in a folder on your desktop) - Turn off your antivirus (some antiviruses might cause some issues)

How to play on Redstar

  • Run Novah - RedstarOSU.exe as administrator

  • Click on Switch to Redstar

  • If there are some dialogs about intalling the HTTPs certificate, always click on Ok/Yes. The HTTPs certificate is needed to properly connect to redstar

  • Make sure that the switcher says You are connected to Redstar

  • Open osu! and login with your Redstar account

  • Enjoy NOTE: If you can’t install the certificate through the automatic procedure, follow these instructions to install it manually.

    How to play on official osu! again

  • Make sure osu! is closed

  • Open the switcher and click Switch to osu!

  • Make sure the switcher says You are connected to osu!

  • Open osu! and login with your osu! account NOTE: If you want to connect to osu!’s website and you see redstar’s website or an error, even if the switcher claims you’re connected to osu!, empty your browser cache and restart your browser.

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